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live to make, make to last

Best Made was founded on the belief that the tools we keep and clothes we wear should be both useful and meaningful. That a cup held at campfire, or an axe hefted in hand, can add to the wonder found in the world – and propel an adventure to find more of it – if that object is well made. It’s why Best Made is committed to making gear and clothing worthy of the name.

the name is a practice as much as a statement

Best Made pursues the finest materials, methods and manufacturers wherever they may be found. This can take us to an unknown corner of the globe, a small town or even our own backyard. It’s this devotion to the best, strengthened by Duluth Trading Co.’s history of craftsmanship, that ensures each good is made to exceptional standards. And those standards come backed by Duluth’s solid guarantee.

An off-road odyssey

There is resilience and reward in embracing the path unknown. The unpredictable twists and bends of a stray course can be daunting, but when approached with a sense of curiosity, apprehension becomes adventure.


Sometimes the path is a straight, smooth line, but if you’re lucky, it will twist and turn. It will challenge and inspire while intersecting new places, giving you a journey ripe for adventure. Where will you end up? Hard to say, and less important than the journey. What will you gain? A memory of resting at the edge of the Rio Grande. A new idea sparked at the curve of the Elephant Rock Trail, perhaps even insight into an undiscovered passion. All this while kicking up dirt from the back of a dual-sport bike made to stay the course, or to forge a new one.

A person rides a motorcycle on a path through the woods
Fueled by wonder part II

For one group of off-road enthusiasts, the greatest of satisfaction comes not from riding the Elephant Rock trails, but from maintaining them.

A man with a spectacular beard sits in the cab of a vintage truck. He is wearing a green Best Made hat, blue hooded sweatshirt and jeans.
Tom, wearing a green Best Made hat and blue headed sweatshirt, walks through the woods with a rake.


For Tom Bishop and friends, maintaining the Elephant Rock Trails means regularly clearing routes and forging new ones. A dedication that is not without its rewards. Sometimes a day on the trails leads to swapping stories around sawed stumps and freshly poured spirits. “People are going to enjoy this for generations to come: my kids, my kids’ kids. You’re building something that really lasts.”

A close up shot of a Best Made flask. A group of men sit around a campfire on stumps.
A collection of best made axes sit on a pile of cut wood, leaning against a log cabin


Elephant rock: Motorcycle Trail Network. A map shows the network of trails.


Once abandoned roads from a former mining era, Elephant Rock Motorcycle Trails now give off-road riders 35 miles of adventure outside of Red River, New Mexico.

A collage of images: a man riding a motorcycle on a dirt path through the woods; a collection of Best Made steel storage sitting in the bed of a truck; a campfire with a cast iron pan on it, in the background an axe and hatchet are stuck in a stump; a close of of the Best Made X on a motorcyle
There's always more to the adventure.